Monday, 2 April 2012

Wanted change in Health University curriculum: Kalam

BANGALORE: Former President A P J Abdul Kalam on Sunday called for change in curriculum of Health University to enable the students to keep abreast of current developments. Delivering Convocation address at the Rajiv Gandhi Health Science University here, he said ‘we have to achieve self-reliance to tackle health issues. For this, the curriculum should keep abreast research taken up. He said Scientists in India and abroad should join hands with medical experts in fi nding a solution to health problems. He called upon doctors to keep up the country’s dignity in their new endeavour. He said health problems was one of the issues facing the country and to fi nd a solution there was a need for proper training, technology, food and creating awareness among the public. There was need for Medical research in these fi elds, he said. Doctors, dentists and offi cials in health departments should have knowledge about protecting health. They should create awareness among the public about the need for drinking pure water, maintaining cleanliness in houses and taking balanced food, Dr Kalam said. He said there should be good atmosphere both for teaching and for Research at Post-Graduate levels in the University. He said medical graduates should love their profession. After graduation, they should go for higher education or open own clinics to serve the people. He said there was also need to manufacture medicines that poor people can afford to buy. Governor H R Bhardwaj, who is also Chancellor of the University, presided over the Convocation. Karnataka Minister for Medical Education A Ramdas, among others, participated. K Vishwajit of A J Medical College, Mangalore and Joshi M Bharat of A B Shetty Memorial Dental College won eight gold medals each.

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