Monday, 2 April 2012

‘Titanic’ fame Paul Peabody bags ‘Media Guild’ Academy award

CHENNAI: ‘Titanic’ fi lm fame musician New York born violinist Paul Peabody has been selected for the prestigious ‘Media Guild’ Award 2010 -11. ‘Media Guild’ Academy for Recognition news release announcing the award here on Saturday said ‘Titanic’ fi lm chief violinist Paul Peabody from United states of America was selected by the academy for the prestigious award ‘Media Guild’2010-11 which taking into account of his contribution for his good thoughts in giving his music to the poor children in the world, In his travel in India he visits many orphanages, and disabled homes and he plays free music programmes and makes the people happy. At the age of nine Paul Peabody was introduced to violin by his musician father, he joined Julliard School in 1969, in New York, after ten years, he gave his fi rst commercial output to world. For the past three decades, Paul has been giving soulful performance; he played for the world well-renowned Madonna and Michael Jackson. He composed music for 60 Hollywood movies including ‘Titanic’ ‘Fargo’ (solo player) and hundreds of pop albums. He also played Irish fi ddle to the orchestra in the blockbuster Titanic besides violin in animation movies like ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and ‘Aladdin’. Paul Peabody in Chennai visited AR.Rhaman’s KM Conservator – Music School, Dr.Lalgudy jayraman’s son Krishnan and daughter Vijaylaksmi, Dr. Sudah rajas, Suswara School of Music Carnatic, Choral Music and Mother Theresa Home Susibahavan and Visranathai home for aged. Nomination to ‘Media Guild, Academy for Recognition, of Paul Peabody submitted by famous lyrist and writer Thiyaru who has written more than 150 Tamil books on fi ctions, literature and written lyrics to many Tamil fi lms. “Media Guild” Academy for Recognition’s major activity is educational, creating multi awareness on self confi - dence and in social services. The academy is engaged in Media Guild Awards which is in Chennai’s fi rst dedicated to awards and prizes disbursed to the respective awesome contribution to the area of work or activity. such as social service, movies & theatre, science & technology, education & everything that comes under the purview of the respective awards given. ‘Media Guild’ awardees are selected in unbiased way through three committees called, referral, advisory and selection. it is purely non political and non commercial. The award carries citation and memento of pen nib. Media Guild 2010-11 the prestigious award was presented to Paul Peabody by S.A.N. Vasigaran, Chairman ‘Media Guild’ Academy for Recognition, in Chennai today - syed

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