Thursday, 16 February 2012

National conference on Frontiers in Bio- Technology inaugurated at SRM University

CHENNAI: A two-day National conference on Frontiers in Bio-Technology- 2012 was inaugurated here on Wednesday at the SRM University at its campus in suburban Kattankulathur. More than 500 participants from various universities and colleges are attending the conference, being organised by the Department of Biotechnology, School of Bio-engineering, and SRM University. It was inaugurated by Banaras Hindu University Vice-Chancellor Dr Lalji Singh in the presence of SRM University Vice- Chancellor M Ponnavaikko. More than 1000 students and faculty of school of bioengineering SRM University also participated. The focus of the conference was on recent developments made in the fi elds of medical bio-technology, plant bio-technology, environment, animal bio-technology and fermentation bio-technology. The aim of the conference was to update the recent fi ndings in these fi elds and promote interaction among research scientists and scholars and create awareness about the current topics among undergraduate and post graduate students. Research scholars and students from universities and colleges from other states would present papers for oral and paper presentations in fi ve technical sessions.

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