Saturday, 18 February 2012

3 get life term for killing pregnant woman

TIRUCHIRAPALLI: A lower court on Friday awarded life sentence to a 31-year-old man and his parents for murdering his pregnant wife. According to prosecution, accused R Dhanapal hailing from Kuruvikarankulam village under Pulivalam police limits got married to one Gomathy (22) in April 2008. Since Gomathy hailed from a poor family her parents were not able to give jewellery or any other valuable to their daughter as well as son-in-law. This was very often pointed out by Ramasamy (65) and his wife Mrs Chellammal (55), parents of the accused number one- Dhanapal. Meanwhile, Gomathy became pregnant. Chellammal told her son that if Gomathy delivered the baby, her side wouldbe become strong and advised his son to eliminate her. Dueto the ill advice of his Mother, Dhanapal pushed his wife towards a wall on November 21, 2010, in which she received head injury and died on the spot. Same night, Dhanapal and his parents removed body to an isolated place of their village and set it afi re. Based on a complaint from the victim’s parents, Pulivalam Police registered a case against them and arrested all the three and framed charges against them. The Judge P Velmurugan in his detailed order observed that the crime against the three was proved beyond reasonable doubt and awarded them life sentence to all the three. The Judge also imposed a fi ne of Rs 1000 to Dhanapal, and if he failed to remit the fi ne, he ordered to undergo three more month imprisonment. A fi ne of Rs 500 each was imposed on the parents of Dhanapal.

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