Friday, 30 March 2012

Indian engineers of GE invent tech to promote safety

BANGALORE: A unique product conceptualized and designed by Indian scientists at GE Global Research here is earning high praise from industry leaders for its ability to shield industrialworkers from explosive and deadly arcing current. Recently, Plant Engineering magazine named GE’s Arc Vault its ‘Product of the Year’. Conceptualised at the company’s India Technology Center by Asokan T, a Chief Scientist at the Center, the Arc Vault represents a breakthrough in the area of electrical safety. It can stop and contain a lethal arcing fault in less than eight milliseconds-- as much as 10 times faster than conventional methodsresulting in lives saved and equipment being spared signifi cant damage. Statistics show arcing current is not only a dangerous problem, but a costly one for manufacturers. According to engineering services company, ESA, there is as many as 10 incidents daily at plants in the U.S. resulting in losses of $1 billion annually, a company release said here on Thursday. Asokan said arcing fault in electric systems is a major electrical hazard in the world. The critical factors for arc fault protection are speed and reliability. ‘GE’s arc vault technology deviates from conventional methods to achieve even faster responses to stop and contain dangerous arcing current. I am delighted to see GE’s technology recognized so highly by the end users,’ he said.

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