NEW DELHI: The 4th
BRICS Summit got underway
here today. The Summit
of the fi ve countries Brazil,
Russia, India, China and
South Africa is being held
here for the fi rst time.
The Summit has started
with a Restricted Session
of consultations amongst
the leaders, which will be
followed by a Plenary Session,
after which, the Leaders
would attend the signing
of two agreements among
the BRICS Development
Banks, and then release the
BRICS Report focusing on
synergies and complementarities
of the member countries.
The fi ve emerging economies
are likely to sign an
important agreement for extending
cross-country credit
in local currencies of member
nations. Chinese President
Hu Jintao, President
Dmitri Medvedev of Russia,
President Dilma Rousseff
of Brazil and South African
President Jacob Zuma arrived
in the Capital yesterday.
Ahead of the Summit,
Trade Ministers of the
BRICS countries met yesterday
to discuss and consider
inter-governmental cooperation
to boost intra-BRICS
trade. They reviewed the
global economic situation
and noted with concern the
continuing diffi culty faced
by many countries and underscored
the need for greater
policy coordination in the
interest of global economic
The Summit is being held
at a time when Brazil, Russia,
India, China, South Africa
were emerging as new
growth poles in a multi-polar
world, having played a vital
role that helped the world
economy emerge from the
shadows of the global economic
crisis. The conclave,
taking place ahead of the
G20 meeting in Mexico, is
expected to result in several
important decisions pertaining
to coordination among
the member countries on
several economic, fi nancial
and political issues facing
the world.
The situation in Iran,
Syria and the Eurozone crisis
are expected to be top
on the agenda of the Summit,
whose presidency goes
to India for this year. This
will be followed by Leaders’
statements to the media.
The Summit will conclude
with a luncheon hosted by
Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh in honour of the other
BRICS Leaders. The Prime
Minister will also hold bilateral
consultations with each
of the visiting BRICS Leaders
after the Summit.
A BRICS Delhi Declaration
summing up BRICS
leaders’ deliberations and articulating
their shared positions
of contemporary issues
of mutual interest will be issued
at the end of the Summit.
The Member countries
institutionalised their grouping
in September 2006, at
the initiative of Russia, with
a foreign ministerial meeting
of the four countries in New
York on the sidelines of the
The BRICS grouping took
shape with the fi rst Summit
held in Yekaterinburg in 2009, followed by Brazilia
in 2010. The third Summit
was held at Sanya(China)
last year when South Africa
joined the group as the fi fth
Member to form BRICS. At
the focus of the fi rst Summit
in Yekaterinburg, and the
second in Brasilia mainly
the international fi nancial
and economic situation and
reform of the international
fi nancial institutions.
The central role of the G-20 and the role that the
BRICS could play in this
apex body were considered
and emphasised, along with
reform of the global political
and economic governance
architecture that meets
the interests and developmental
needs of emerging
market economies and developing
countries. Sanya
continued and elaborated
on these themes, still of
high relevance, but also
introduced paragraphs on
emerging political issues in
North Africa, and a more
elaborate plan of action for
intra-BRICS cooperation.
The Fourth Summit is
taking place at a time the
world is grappling with the
challenges of ensuring a
sustained recovery from the
global slowdown, complicated
by developments in
the Eurozone, and bringing
global growth back on track.
The Summit follows the
Durban Conference on Climate
Change last December,
and precedes another
important UN Conference
on Sustainable Development
(Rio+20) in June this
year and the Conference of
Parties to the Convention on
Biological Diversity in Hyderabad
in October as well,
the three conferences on
interconnected themes, all
hosted by BRICS members.
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