Monday, 26 March 2012

Comprehensive action plan needed to control AIDs

MYSORE: UN’s Special Envoy to Secretary General for HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacifi c Dr Nafi s Sadik said it was necessary for a comprehensive action plan in the 12th fi ve year plan for India. According to a release here, Dr Sadik was on twoday visit for inspection of activities and programmes undertaken by Ashodaya Samithi and District Administration. She visited the Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) Centre and Integrated Counceling and Testing Centre (ICTC) at KR Hospital and inspected the facilities. Speaking on the occasion, he said ‘there are about 5 million AIDS patients in the Asia-Pacifi c region and 50 per cent of them are in India. This is despite a good awareness and health campaign. To arrest further increase, the Indian Government in its 12th fi ve-year plan should take up AIDS control as the prominent project lest the situation becomes too grave to handle.’ She said ‘I have travelled through Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore, and gathered information from offi cials and NGOs. A programme should be envisaged in the Asia-Pacifi c region to impart awareness among AIDS patients and sex workers to evolve a concept of rehabilitation. More responsibilities will be given to NGOs in that context.’

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