Thursday, 22 March 2012

Awareness campaign to save house sparrows

ROURKELA: In a awareness campaign to save the house sparrows from extinction Banai sub-division in Odisha’s Sundargarh district organised a series of programmes to mark the world sparrow day. Banai DFO, A K Mishra who had been instrumental in conservation of these sparrows, roped in school children and traditional drama troupes to raise awareness on the issue. A rally by school children was taken out through the sub divisional head quarters town and it was followed by a function. Over 300 school children and drama troupes participated in the programme. Nearly 40 specially designed nesting earthen pot were distributed among the children to attract house sparrows. More nesting pots would be supplied to people who wished to help protect the bird, Mishra said. Programme shed light on conservation measure and the threat that, these birds face.

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