About the Movement
The 'Anti Corruption Movement' is a Non-Government Organization registered under the Societies Act.
It was started on the 20th of January 2001, by a group of conscientious retired government officials under the guidence and leadership of Er.C.S.Kuppu Raj, a former Chief Engineer of Tamilnadu State Public Works Department. In the past seven years it has been functioning effecitively taking steps to create awareness among the public, youth and students against the evil of corruption highlighting as to how corruption erodes into the morality and economy of the country, and how every common man is subjected to harassment at the hands of the unscrupulous government officials who are employed to serve the public and paid from the tax payers' money.
The Movement has readily gone to the help of the people who stubbornly refuse to grease palms, come what may, and approach the organization for assistance. There have been instances where the Movement has helped the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti corruption to lay traps and apprehend bribe takers.
The Movement has eight District Units and thirty five Branch Units spread all over Tamilnadu.
It is now about 3600 members strong and as many student members.
The Movement
1. Corruption is the bane of all evils in the society in almost all the countries in the world today. Though, perhaps, there never was a time when corruption was not prevalent at all, it has at no point of time in the past proliferated to an extent as it is today, pervading every field of human activity. Corruption infringes in to basic human rights, results in denigration of quality and excellence and eats into every element of virtue of mankind. The erosion of integrity and decline of morality in public life gained momentum when no less a person than one of othe Prime Ministers made light of the issue declaring that "Corruption after all, was a universal phenomenon. "So, following the dictum 'Yatha Raja Thatha Praja' every unscrupulous citizen, politician, official or otherwise, got-bold and indulged in open and blatant dishonest gainful activities. To reverse the trend, even to a minuscule extent, the country needs a honest leader. However as a pracitical alternative, conscientious citizens can come together and work in unison to rid the society of this evil. With this in view, efforts have been taken to start a movement under the banner of "Anti Corruption Movement".
2. The intention is not so much asto wield cudgels on the perpetrators of this criminal offence, but rather to in culcate a sense of openness and honesty in the men dealing with public and ensure that a common citizen is able to get things done as a matter of routine which are rightfully due to him as a legislative privilege. Any number of instances could be enumerated here, where extra money is demanded by officials at all levels for doing ones normal duty for which he is being paid from the exchequer. All the Govt. Departments with out exception vie with each other in occupying the prime of place in the matter of corrupt practices. The ignorant common man is left to fret and fume without being aware asto what to do and which door to knock at. This organisation aims at extending a helping hand to such people.
3. "The aims of the Anti Corruption Movement" are as follows:-
a. To ensure absolute integrity and cleanliness in Public Life
b. To ensure honesty and straight forwardness in all the activities of various departments.
c. To render all necessary asistance required by common citizens who are in need of such assistance in gatting redressal for their grievances in Govt. Offices and other Organisations.
d. To take appropriate corrective measures to inculcate a sense of responsibility, involvement and devotion to duty in the minds of officials.
4. Activities of the Movement are as outlined below:
a. To take appropriate actions to educate public and officials of the virtues and need for honesty in public life through various publicity measures.
b. To seek, accept and utilise the services of like minded organisations in furthering the aims of the movement.
c. To approach all media agencies with a request to include public appeals against corrupt practices.
d. To approach Govt. authrities and officials to openly display in all offices slogans in support of Anti Corruption efforts.
e. To publish periodicals and pamphlets highlighting the performances of honest officials and exemplary public men and also exposing wrong actions of corrupt officials at higher levels of Govt.
f. To explore ways and means of taking-legal measures wherever necessary to get redressal for problems.
g. To seek and obtain the advice and assistance form anti corruption agencies like Chief Vigilance Commissioner and State Vigilance Directorates and NGOs whenever found necessary.
The 'Anti Corruption Movement' is a Non-Government Organization registered under the Societies Act.
It was started on the 20th of January 2001, by a group of conscientious retired government officials under the guidence and leadership of Er.C.S.Kuppu Raj, a former Chief Engineer of Tamilnadu State Public Works Department. In the past seven years it has been functioning effecitively taking steps to create awareness among the public, youth and students against the evil of corruption highlighting as to how corruption erodes into the morality and economy of the country, and how every common man is subjected to harassment at the hands of the unscrupulous government officials who are employed to serve the public and paid from the tax payers' money.
The Movement has readily gone to the help of the people who stubbornly refuse to grease palms, come what may, and approach the organization for assistance. There have been instances where the Movement has helped the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti corruption to lay traps and apprehend bribe takers.
The Movement has eight District Units and thirty five Branch Units spread all over Tamilnadu.
It is now about 3600 members strong and as many student members.
The Movement
1. Corruption is the bane of all evils in the society in almost all the countries in the world today. Though, perhaps, there never was a time when corruption was not prevalent at all, it has at no point of time in the past proliferated to an extent as it is today, pervading every field of human activity. Corruption infringes in to basic human rights, results in denigration of quality and excellence and eats into every element of virtue of mankind. The erosion of integrity and decline of morality in public life gained momentum when no less a person than one of othe Prime Ministers made light of the issue declaring that "Corruption after all, was a universal phenomenon. "So, following the dictum 'Yatha Raja Thatha Praja' every unscrupulous citizen, politician, official or otherwise, got-bold and indulged in open and blatant dishonest gainful activities. To reverse the trend, even to a minuscule extent, the country needs a honest leader. However as a pracitical alternative, conscientious citizens can come together and work in unison to rid the society of this evil. With this in view, efforts have been taken to start a movement under the banner of "Anti Corruption Movement".
2. The intention is not so much asto wield cudgels on the perpetrators of this criminal offence, but rather to in culcate a sense of openness and honesty in the men dealing with public and ensure that a common citizen is able to get things done as a matter of routine which are rightfully due to him as a legislative privilege. Any number of instances could be enumerated here, where extra money is demanded by officials at all levels for doing ones normal duty for which he is being paid from the exchequer. All the Govt. Departments with out exception vie with each other in occupying the prime of place in the matter of corrupt practices. The ignorant common man is left to fret and fume without being aware asto what to do and which door to knock at. This organisation aims at extending a helping hand to such people.
3. "The aims of the Anti Corruption Movement" are as follows:-
a. To ensure absolute integrity and cleanliness in Public Life
b. To ensure honesty and straight forwardness in all the activities of various departments.
c. To render all necessary asistance required by common citizens who are in need of such assistance in gatting redressal for their grievances in Govt. Offices and other Organisations.
d. To take appropriate corrective measures to inculcate a sense of responsibility, involvement and devotion to duty in the minds of officials.
4. Activities of the Movement are as outlined below:
a. To take appropriate actions to educate public and officials of the virtues and need for honesty in public life through various publicity measures.
b. To seek, accept and utilise the services of like minded organisations in furthering the aims of the movement.
c. To approach all media agencies with a request to include public appeals against corrupt practices.
d. To approach Govt. authrities and officials to openly display in all offices slogans in support of Anti Corruption efforts.
e. To publish periodicals and pamphlets highlighting the performances of honest officials and exemplary public men and also exposing wrong actions of corrupt officials at higher levels of Govt.
f. To explore ways and means of taking-legal measures wherever necessary to get redressal for problems.
g. To seek and obtain the advice and assistance form anti corruption agencies like Chief Vigilance Commissioner and State Vigilance Directorates and NGOs whenever found necessary.
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