Wednesday, 25 April 2012

‘Intelligent’ tyre that changes itself to weather

SYDNEY: German researchers
are developing
the world’s fi rst-ever “intelligent”
tyre which automatically
adapts itself to the prevailing
weather conditions
even while you are driving.
The team headed by Detlef
Riemer at the University of
Applied Sciences in Leipzig
unveiled the “adaptive
tyre” at this year’s Hanover
Fair, the world’s biggest industrial
fair taking place in
the north German city this
“Today’s choice of tyres are
always a compromise between
the ability to brake
and petrol consumption,”
the Sydney Morning Herald
quoted Riemer as saying.
“The car driver has to take
into consideration every sort
of weather condition and
you can’t change tyres while
you’re driving,” he added.
But Riemer’s “adaptive
tyre” is equipped with electronic
sensors, which recognise
different sorts of
terrain - whether motorway
or untarmacked roads - and
whether it’s dry, raining or
And accordingly, the tyres’
profi les are automatically
raised or widened accordingly,
even when the car is
in motion. “That means your
car is always equipped with
the best possible tyre, and
noise and petrol consumption
are automatically optimised,
too,” Riemer stated.
“The driver no longer has
to think about adapting their
tyres. The tyre itself ‘’thinks’
too,” he added.
The tyre is still a long way
from a fi nished product and
research is still being carried
out, notably on the materials
that can be used for the
moveable parts of the tyre’s
profi les. “But we’ve patented
it already, just in case,”
Riemer noted.

901 million people use Facebook

has said it has 901 million
users and is likely that
it pass the one billion user
mark well before the end of
this year.
The company, which displayed
the statistics in its
amended S-1 fi ling, also said
that its network receives 3.2
billion comments per day
and 300 million new photos
daily. The site also claims
125 billion to have friendships.
Of the 901 million
users, 526 million were described
as daily active users
in March. Some 488 million
people also used Facebook
mobile products that month,
according to the fi ling.
The network had 845 million
users when Facebook
fi led its Initial Public Offering
paperwork with the SEC
in February 2012, stuff. reports.
A senior analyst at iCrossing,
Gregory Lyons has estimated
that Facebook would
hit one billion users by August.

School bags cause kids to suffer backache: Survey

DEHRADUN: In a wake
up call for government and
parents, an ASSOCHAM
survey has revealed that
over 82 per cent of the children
between age group of
5-12 are carrying avoidable
‘excessively load’ in their
school bags causing higher
risk of back pain, stress and
even hunchback, specially
in girls.
The country-wide ASSOCHAM
survey conducted
under its Social Development
Foundation (SDF),
shows majority of private
schools were grossly violating
Central government’s
strict norms for Children’s
School Bag Act 2006. The
survey was conducted in
March-April’12 in 10 major
cities of Delhi, Kolkata,
Chennai, Bangalore,
Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune,
Ahemdabad, Lucknow,
Jaipur, Dehradun during
which more than 2,000 pupils
and 2,000 parents were
randomly interviewed by
the industry body.
It revealed that nearly 58
per cent of children below
the age of 10 were already
suffering from mild back
pains, which could develop
into chronic pains and later,
in a hunchback. Nearly
82 per cent of children carried
as much as over 35 per
cent of their weight on their
backs. The stresses from
excess weights may cause
harm and may adversely
affect the growth of the
musculo-skeletal system,
Health Committee Dr B K
Rao, said. The back pain
was a bigger problem in
girls, with the risk of pain
increasing with age. The
heaviest backpacks have a
50 per cent higher risk of
back pain than those carrying
the lightest, added Mr
D S Rawat, Secretary General
observed that around 1,500
kids below the age of 12
could not sit properly without
the support of slouch
and suffered from orthopedic
problems and 40 per cent
were physically inactive.
Majority of the parents
complained that on an average,
there were seven to
eight periods in a day and
each subject involved a
minimum of three books, a
textbook, a workbook and
a notebook. So, every day
children had to carry 21
books for seven to eight periods.
In addition, over 78 per
cent of parents said children
were required to carry
a book with half drawn images
and complete colour
kit for drawing or crafts and
also sports kit.
They also carries lunch box
and water bottle. About
86 per cent of the students
said lockers were either
not available at all or were
not easily accessible in the
school premises for small
Dr Rao said children
should not carry anything
weighing more than 10 per
cent of their body weight
and parents should monitor
their children when they
are packing their bags. They
should ensure that children
should stick to their time
table and did not carry unnecessary
material. Dr
Rao suggested that children
should wear a well-designed
backpack and also encouraged
to exercise regularly,
which will improve their
muscle tone.
ASSOCHAM has urged
the government to be aware
of the strains and stresses
placed upon young bodies as
they grow. Many schools especially
private mistakenly
believe heavy schools bags
mean better learning.

Wipro reports 7.7 pc jumps in PAT in Q 4

Wipro reported today a 7.7
percent increase in consolidated
net profi t at Rs 1,480.9
crore for the fourth quarter
ended March 31 with the total
income up by 18.84 per
cent at Rs 9,836.30 crore.
The company had posted a
net profi t of Rs 1,375.4 crore
during the January-March
quarter in 2010-11 with the
top line last year being Rs
8,276.3 crore.
For the year ended March,
2012, Wipro posted an increase
of 5.1 per cent in its
net profi t to Rs 5,573 crore
compared to Rs 5,297.7
crore in the 2010-11 fi scal
with the revenues up by
20.66 per cent at Rs 37,404.4
crore as against Rs 30,998
crore in the previous fi scal.
Wipro Chairman Azim
Premji, commenting on the
results, said ‘Corporations
globally are focused on leveraging
technology to drive
revenues and productivity.
Our strategy is aligned to deliver
value to our customers
by partnering with them in
this journey.’
‘Our focus on operations
helped improve revenue productivity
and deliver strong
cash fl ows in a volatile environment,’
Wipro Executive
Director and Chief Financial
Offi cer Suresh Senapaty
Wipro said the current
quarter of fi scal 2013 should
see the revenue earnings
from IT services business
range between USD 1,520
million and USD 1,550
million, assuming that exchange
rates of the dollar
will be at Rs 50.07.
“We have delivered revenues
in line with our guidance
in an uncertain environment.
Our restructuring
journey started with us positioning
the customer at the
centre of all our efforts,”
Wipro Executive Director
and Chief Executive Offi cer
for IT Business T K Kurien
He said the company had
seen progress with customer
satisfaction scores going up
in each of the last four quarters
and “we have created
better value for our clients,
with seven customers contributing
more than USD
100 million in revenues.”
Wipro said it added 41
new customers during the
quarter and 173 new customers
during the year.
Revenues during the quarter
from IT products segment
increased by three per
cent year-on-year (YoY)
to Rs 937 crore (USD 184
million), Wipro said. The
IT products segment of
the company recorded an
increase of four per cent
YoY basis to Rs 3,844 crore
(USD 755 million) for the
year ended March, 2012, it

71-hour Countdown proceeding smoothly

CHENNAI: The 71-hour
countdown for the launch of
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV), which would
put the 1,858 kg India’s
fi rst radar imaging satellite
RISAT-1in the orbit, was
progressing smoothly.
ISRO sources said the
countdown which began at
0647 hrs on Monday morning
was progressing without
any hitch at the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre at Sriharikota,
about 100 km from
here. The extended version
of ISRO’s workhorse launch
vehicle PSLV-XL, carrying
RISAT-1, would lift from
the fi rst launch Pad at 0547
hrs on April 26.
PSLV-C19 will inject
RISAT-1 satellite into an orbit
of 480 km altitude at an
inclination of 97.552 deg.
The satellite will be put in its
fi nal orbital confi guration at
536 km altitude using thrusters
onboard the satellite.
Having a life span of fi ve
years, RISAT-1 is basically
a remote-sensing satellite.
It would be ISRO’s fi rst radar
imaging satellite, which
could take pictures of the
earth In all conditions --
rain, sun, fog and cyclones
-- and through the clouds
using synthetic aperture radars.
This is also the heaviest
remote sensing satellite
built by ISRO.
It would be another fi rst
for PSLV, the ISRO’s workhorse
satellite launch vehicle,
as it would be placing
the heaviest satellite in the
polar orbit.
Since it is the heaviest
satellite, ISRO would be using
the XL (extended large)
version of PSLV (PSLVXL),
which was earlier used
for the launch of Chandrayaan-
1 mission in October
2008 and again for the
launch of GSAT-12 in July
last year.
PSLV-XL uses six additional
powerful strap-on
motors, each containing
12 tonnes of solid propellants,
when compared to
the standard PSLV version
which uses nine tonnes of
solid propellants in each of
the six strap-on.
Pictures taken from
RISAT-1 would be used to
estimate the crop yield, especially
to monitor paddy
crop, assess its acreage and
predict its health during the
kharif season, when the sky
was covered with clouds.
The images could also be
used for disaster management
during cyclones and
fl oods, besides assessing the
extent of inundation caused.

Japan fears nuclear plant sits atop active geological fault

TOKYO: A nuclear plant
in northwestern Japan may
be sitting right on top of an
active geological fault, the
country’s nuclear watchdog
has said, raising the risk
that the facility may never
resume power generation
for fear of an earthquake.
For the fi rst time in more
than 40 years, Japan faces
the prospect of having
no nuclear power within
weeks, after last year’s crisis
at the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear plant crushed public
trust in nuclear power and
prevented the restart of reactors
shut for regular maintenance
The fault fracture zone under
the No.1 and No.2 units
of the 1,517-megawatt Tsuruga
plant could be an active
fault that could move jointly
with a confi rmed nearby active
fault, the Nuclear and
Industrial Safety Agency
(NISA) found in a site survey
yesterday, a spokesman
for the plant’s operator said.
The operator, unlisted
Japan Atomic Power Co,
denies the existence of an
active fault right under the
plant, citing its geological
assessment, but the NISA
has ordered an additional
investigation following its
fi ndings, the spokesman
Nuclear power, long advertised
as safe and cheap,
provided almost 30 per cent
of Japan’s electricity before
the crisis, but now all
but one of Japan’s 54 reactors
are off-line, mainly for
The last reactor will shut
down on May 5. Japan has
rules against installing a
nuclear plant on top of an
active fault that has moved
within the last 120,000 to
130,000 years, and the Tsuruga
site could be declared
unfi t to host a nuclear plant.
The plant’s 357-MW No 1
unit and the 1,160-MW No
2 unit have been shut since
last year for planned maintenance.
Japan Atomic Power had
previously aimed to add
No 3 and No 4 units at the
plant, with capacity of 1,538
MW each, by 2018, but the
plan has stalled, refl ecting
public worries over nuclear
power after the Fukushima
plant was wrecked in the
March 2011 earthquake and
tsunami, triggering radiation
leaks that caused mass
evacuations and widespread
The restart of the No 1
unit, which began operation
in 1970, has been uncertain
in light of Japan’s plans to
limit the life of reactors to
40 years, and permit extensions
only under stringent
The company had planned
to scrap the Tsuruga No 1
unit in 2016.

No change in visa policy towards Indian students: US

has said that there is no
change in its policy towards
issuing visas to Indian students.
“I don’t think we’ve
changed our policy with regard
to the way we interview
applicants,” State Department
spokesperson Victoria
Nuland told reporters at her
daily news conference.
“I think what we are doing
is making sure that the sponsoring
organisations truly
are what they say they are
in the United States; that if
they say that they are bringing
students over to educate
them, that they intend to
educate them, not put them
to work, et cetera,” she said.
Nuland said the US supports
the recent initiative
of opening community colleges
in India on the pattern
of those here. Last week,
education ministers of four
Indian States - Punjab, Bihar,
Madhya Pradesh, and
Jammu and Kashmir, visited
several US cities to
have a fi rst hand experience
of the community colleges
here. “Well, obviously, we
support this initiative. We
have been working with the
Indian side to fl esh out the
initiative that was agreed
between the President and
the prime minister through
our Education Bureau here.
And obviously, we are
responsible for the visa issuance
for the various folks
studying in the United
States,” Nuland said.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

India becomes world’s top ‘spamspewing nation’

LONDON: India has become
the top ‘spam-spewing
nation’ on the planet, overtaking
the United States, according
to a report.
A report of security fi rm
Sophos ranked the nations
by the amount of junk mail
routed through computers in
each country.
It said that 9.3 percent of
all junk mail sent across the
web came from or passed
through computers in India,
with America in the second
place at 8.3 per cent and
South Korea third at 5.7 per
cent, the BBC reports.
According to Graham
Cluley, senior technology
consultant at Sophos, India’s
rapid rise up the chart
of spam producers is due to
the rapid growth of the web
in the country.
Cluley pointed out that the
inexperience of the many
fi rst-time net users in India
had led many to fall victim
to hi-tech criminals.
“The latest stats show that,
as more fi rst-time internet
users get online in growing
economies, they are not taking
measures to block the
malware infections that turn
their PCs into spam-spewing
zombies,” he added.

Nano’s rival in Nissan’s Datsun to launch for Indian roads

NEW DELHI: Tata’s Nano
fi nally has a competition
Nissan’s Datsun. If one
thought India’s Tata Nano
was the cheapest car in the
world, one could be up for a
pleasant surprise.
According to reports, Japan’s
Nissan, in collaboration
with Bajaj Auto, has
decided to launch ultra lowcost
cars in the price range
of Rs 1.25 Lakh to 1.5 Lakh.
This is the fi rst time that the
company has indicated it
would make such low cost
To be called Datsun, the
recently revived brand will
take on the world’s cheapest
car, said the company. The
Datsun brand is the precursor
to Nissan in Japan but
was discontinued in the year
1981. However, the company
decided to revive the
brand and make it a more
reliable, robust, affordable
and modern car, and operate
it in segments where Nissan
does not.
“In markets like India,
Russia, Brazil and Indonesia,
roughly 40-50 per
cent of sales are in segment
where Nissan cannot have a
product. It is in those categories
that Datsun will have
a role to play,” the report
quoted Carlos Ghosn, chairman
and CEO of Renault
Nissan as saying.
Renault Nissan and Bajaj
Auto had signed an agreement
in 2009 wherein the
Indian automaker was to design,
develop and manufacture
an ultra low-cost car to
hit the roads in 2011 but the
project has been delayed.
Earlier this year, at the
Delhi Auto Expo in January,
Bajaj had showcased
the RE60 low-cost vehicle
which is expected to
be launched soon. However,
Renault Nissan said
they haven’t decided as
yet whether to go with the
RE60 or not.

Coimbatore hospital Chairman honoured in NY

NEW YORK: Dr Palanivelu,
founder-chairman of
Gem Hospital and Research
Center, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu, has been honoured by
the New York City Council
and other organisations.
A certifi cate of recognition,
signed by City Council
member Peter Koo on
behalf of the City Council,
was issued to Dr Palanivelu,
according to a release issued
on his behalf yesterday.
The City Council hailed his
contribution to medicine
and for creating awareness
on lifestyle diseases and for
being a pioneer in weight
loss surgery in Asia.
Nassau County led by
County Executive Edward
Mangano also issued an offi
cial signed proclamation
to commemorate Dr Palanivelu’s
visit to the US and
for his service to the cause
of suffering humanity and
said he was the fi rst Indian
professor with privileges to
operate and teach abroad
without formal training and
license in the respective host
The third honor, “Living
Legend of Laproscopy
Award,” for his pioneering
works in the fi eld of medicine
and enhancing the image
of Tamils and Tamil
Nadu in global arena was
also presented at a function
held here on April 21 where
a galaxy of speakers showered
praise on Dr Palanivelu
and his contribution to the
world of laproscopy in the
global arena.
Zahid Syed Chairman/
Commissioner Nassau
County Commission on Human
Rights and founder of
South Asian Political Action
Committee, Long Island,
New York, who represented
Nassau County Chief Executive
Edward Mangano
at the event described Prof.
Palanivelu as a pioneer in
his fi eld and welcomed him
to the US on behalf of his
He presented the Nassau
County proclamation to
Prof Palanivelu honouring
Dr Palanivelu. Dr Vellore
S Parithivel, Associate Professor
of Clinical Surgery/
Albert Einstein College of
Medicine/ Deputy Chairman
Department of Surgery/
Bronx Lebanon Hospital
Center and founder of Association
of Tamil Medical
Association (ATMA) said
Dr. Palanivelu is considered
one of the top surgeons of
India especially in his fi eld
Single Incision Laparoscopic
Surgeries and colorectal
procedures. He presented
the award to Dr Palanivelu
on behalf of New York City
Albert Chelladurai, advisor
to New York Tamil
Sangam, in his address said
Tamils in the US are proud
that Dr Palanivelu received
the highest honor of the
Royal College of Surgeons
of Edinburgh, United Kingdom in appreciation of his
scientifi c contribution in
the fi eld of minimally access
surgery at global level.
Also, Dr Palanivelu was
the fi rst Indian doctor to
get International Olympic
Surgery Silver Medal conducted
by the American
Gastro-intenstinal Endoscopic
Surgeons in Phoenix,
Arizona, he said.
Prakash M Swamy, president
of New York Tamil
Sangam said Dr. Palanivelu
brought laurels to India, especially
Tamil Nadu with his
research and scientifi c pursuit
and put Tamil Nadu on
the global map.
He also recalled the Sixth
World Congress of Laproscopic
and Endoscopic Surgery
in Rome, Italy where
Prof. Palanivelu was the
only Indian physician to be
honored for his contribution
to the fi eld.
In his acceptance speech,
Prof Palanivelu thanked the
New York City Council,
Nassau County and New
York Tamil Sangam for honoring
him with awards and

Medicines carried for abducted Collector

Maoist informed Menon critically ill

RAIPUR: The Chhattisgarh
government today rushed
medicines for abducted Sukma
District Collector Alex
Paul Menon hours after the
Maoists informed them that
he was critically ill.
The medicines are being
sent through president of
All India Adivasi Mahasabha
Manish Kunjam, one
of the mediators named by
the Maoists for holding negotiations
with the government.
Though Kunjam has
refused to take part in the
mediation process, he has
agreed to take the medicines
to the collector. Last night,
the Maoists had named
three mediators including
lawyer Prashant Bhushan
and Former National SC/ST
Commission chairperson
B D Sharma, for negotiations
after the Chhattisgarh
government offered to hold
talks to free Menon from
the extremists. The Naxals
had said that only the three
persons named by them will
be allowed to negotiate in
Tarimetla village and asked
them to accept the invitation
to act as mediators.
Kunjam, who had declined
the Maoists’ offer yesterday
citing regional circumstances
and party obligations, today
said that following the
state government’s request,
he was ready to take medicines
for the 32-year-old
IAS offi cer, who is an asthma
patient. “Menon’s life is
supreme. I will be going to
Sukma soon to take the medicines
and then proceed to
Tarimetla. Thereafter, I will
come back,” he said. Chief
Minister Raman Singh’s
Chief Secretary N Brijendra
Kumar today said that few
mediapersons from Naxalhit
Bastar region have also
offered to take medicines for
Menon, and the state government
has decided to give
them permission for the
same, provided they keep
a distance from police, lest
it may prove detrimental to
the offi cer’s safety.
A worried Asha, Menon’s
wife, has also appealed to
Maoists to send an audio/
video tape of her husband,
so that she can gauge his
condition. She asked them
to provide immediate medical
relief to him in view of
his critical state.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Japan Consulate drafts its Corporate Houses in Chennai Support Projects of mentally ill persons

CHENNAI: Takayuki Kitagawa,
Deputy Consul General
in Chennai, wanted the
special talents that is with
the special children be located,
and what is more opportunity
should be given to
them to rehabilitate them.
Addressing an event that
marked the completion of
18 years continuous support
of the Japanese Consulate
for the persons living with
mental illness in Chennai
through Pathway Centre for
Rehabilitation and Education
of Mentally Retarded,
a Non Governmental organization,
he said the effort
should go on without any
Pathway centre is running
a special home at Chennai,
hospital and farm in the
out skirts of the City, etc
and providing comprehensive
support for mentally ill
persons through these units
with the grant and support
of the Japan Consulate in
Chennai many billions.
In addition the continuous
support by Japan Consulate
General Offi ce, Chennai
since 1994, Takayuki
Kitagawa has this time invited
Japan based corporate
houses working in Chennai
to support the NGO. In
the event held on Saturday,
Takayuki Kitagawa arranged
the meeting between
the NGO Heads and CEOs
of Japan companies.
Special Adviser Tamil Nadu
Chamber of Nippon India
Trade and Industry, Mr.
Toshihiko Sano , CEO &
Managing Director, Renault
Nissan Automotive India
Private Limited , Mr. Yoshiaki
Inayama, Director &
Head of Management Planning
Offi ce, Toshiba JSW
Turbine and Generator Pvt
Ltd, Mr. Tsuyoshi Yamanne
, Whole-time Director, MS
General Insurance Company
Ltd , Ms. Yuko Kobayashi
, Project Coordinator,
Japanese Grant Assistance
for Grassroots Human Security
Projects , offi ce of the
Consulate General of Japan
at Chennai took part and addressed
the gathering.
An exhibition of gift
learning equipment and the
different products made by
the mentally ill ones were
displayed at the event.
The parents and relatives
of the benefi ciaries thanked
the Japanese community
and it is corporate houses
for supporting for the rehabilitation
of their kith and
kin who are living with
mental illness.
Takayuki Kitagawa invited
the Japan based corporate
working in Chennai to take
part and support the projects
meant for mentally ill persons.
‘Chennai METRO’ Daily
evening newspaper Chief
Editor S.A.N.Vasigaran,
Mr. Srinivasan , District
Welfare Offi cer, Differently
abled Persons, Government
of Tamil Nadu and other
dignitaries also took part in
the event.

US-India join project to build largest telescope

NEW DELHI: : India has
decided to formally join
a project to construct the
world’s largest telescope in
the US for which a budget
of Rs 700 crore has been
sanctioned by the Department
of Atomic Energy.
“India has already got the
status of an observer in the
project to construct the largest
telescope of 30-metre
aperture,” said a senior offi -
cial from the Earth Sciences
Ministry. The telescope will
have the capability to focus
sharply and collect data and
Along with the US, Canada,
Japan and China are
members of the project and
have started the early construction
phase of the telescope,
which is expected
to be completed by 2019. In
2010, India decided to join
the project as an observer.
The telescope will be 10
times more powerful than
the world’s largest Hubble
telescope and will be fi tted
with high powered optical
spectrometer, infrared
imaging spectrometer and
infrared multi-object spectrometer.
Several Indian institutions
such as Indian Institute
of Astrophysics, Aryabhatta
Research Institute
of Observational Sciences,
Inter-University Centre for
Astronomy and Astrophysics
and Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research will
participate in the project.

15-day deadline to Centre

“We have no income to pay the interest for the debts incurred by the previous
Government. We are repeatedly urging the Centre that it should allow at least
a three-year interest moratorium. .”I will not tolerate this to go on. I am still
appealing to the centre, but if it continues to remain indifferent, then it will be
a big issue. I will still wait for 15 days,” - Mamta Banerjee

533 students conferred degrees in Valliammai Engineering College

CHENNAI: In all 533 students,
including 13 Anna
University Rank Holders,
were on Sunday conferred
degrees at the Eighth Graduation
Day of the Valliammai
Engineering College.
At a function held at the
SRM University campus,
Madras High Court Judge K
Venkataraman presented the
medals to the rank holders
and certifi cates to the passing
out graduates.
SRM Group of Institutions
Chairman Ravi Pachamoothoo,
SRM University Vice-
Chancellor M Ponnavaikko
were present at the function,
held at the University campus
at suburban Kattankulathur.
Delivering the Graduation
Day address, Mr Justice
Venkataraman exhorted the
students to be job providers
rather than mere job seekers.
Noting that mere getting
job after obtaining the degrees
was not the end of
life, he urged the students to
dream big to come up big in
life like an industrialist or a
big corporate.
Citing the example of
SRM University Founder
T R Pachamuthu, the Judge
said Mr Pachamuthu, from
a humble beginning as a
part time school teacher had
a wide vision.
‘He was not content with
a school teacher. He started
a primary school and then a
polytechnic, before setting
up engineering and medical
colleges and then this big
University, which now resmbled
a Mini town”, the
Judge added.
“Like Mr Pachamuthu, you
students should also dream
big to become a person who
gives employment rather
than getting employed,” he
He also appealed to the
students not to forget the
sacrifi ces made by the
teachers and parents, whose
contributions were crucial
in moulding the students as
a responsible citizen.

Anthro Biometric Art an infl uential method: Expert

CHENNAI: Anthro Bio
Metric Art is an emerging
area which fi nds applications
in various fi elds including
architecture and
fashion designing as colurs
impact different spheres of
activity, according to an expert
Mr R K S Muthukrishnan,
who claimed to be an Anthro-
Bio Metric Expert,
said in a release here today
every colour was unique as
it refl ected light of a certain
frequency. Colours impact
different spheres of human
activity and their properties
fi nd a rapport with every individual
in a unique way.
“No wonder, every man
and woman, irrespective of
age, are so choosy about the
colours they like, what they
like to sport and so on”, he
said. Muthukrishnan, who
had done a deeper scientifi c
studies on colours and how
they infl uence human lives,
was excited about ‘Anthro
biometric Art’ emerging as
a new area as colour ‘balances
the unknown energy
factor for man by providing
him with specifi c and unique
colours to fulfi l it.’
This can be used to infl
uence outcomes in motorsport
racing, architecture
and hi-fashion
designing, he claimed. Mr
Muthukrishnan, a draftsman
by training,said ‘Anthro biometric
art is derived from
the science of anthro biometry.
A science similar to an Aurora
in the night sky. ‘Just
like how an aurora creates a
spectrum of light in the sky,
the anthro biometric art contains
colours of the universal
system that surrounds man,’
he said.
The anthro biometric corporate
drawings are used
to solve various problems
of corporate personnel,
claimed Muthukrishnan who
was was the cynosure of all
eyes when he met a group of
motorsport racers, recently
in Bangalore. ‘Colours play
a very important role in the
ancient Egyptian and Asian
Palaces, Chambers and Temples.
‘In ancient spiritual or cultural
spheres also colours
played a role. Saturn is
drapped in a black cloth and
Goddess Kali is always seen
in Red, he says.
Gods and Goddesses were
depicted with different colours
because it has been
benefi cial for human life, he
claimed. He claimed ‘Anthro
biometric art balances
the unknown energy factor
for man by providing him
with specifi c and unique colours
to fulfi l it. ‘Normally
an artist would draw art using
a brush. Anthro biometry
uses the artist itself as
a brush to tap the universal
energy,’ he said.
This method when used for
a common purpose results in
the anthro biometric cosmic
drawing,’ he claims.

The next Indian president Abdul Kalam? Mulayam, Mamta, Jaya &Pawar in support row!

NEW DELHI: With less
than three months to go for
the Presidential Elections to
choose the country’s 13th
president, there is speculation
that APJ Abdul Kalam
might return to the Rashtrapati
Reports say Mulayam
Singh’s Samajwadi Party,
J Jayalalithaa’s AIADMK
and Mamata Banerjee’s
Trinamool Congress have
reached an understanding
on supporting Kalam for the
top post.
Also on Sunday, NCP chief
Sharad Pawar, an ally of the
ruling UPA government,
said that he wants a non-political
person to become the
next president. “In my opinion,
a non-political person
would be the ideal choice as
the next president,” Pawar
told reporters.
Pawar was responding to
speculation that the NCP
was going to fi eld former
Lok Sabha Speaker PA
Sangma as its presidential
nominee. Pawar said his
party had no such plans,
adding “we have only 16
MPs, we know our limitations”.
The NCP chief’s statement
is important in the
context of reports that the
Congress may fi eld its own
nominee for the presidential
elections. Sources say the
Congress contender could
be Defence Minister AK
Antony. There has also
been talk of Congress’ Sam
Pitroda, Vice President Hamid
Ansari, and SAD chief
Parkash Singh Badal.

Chhattisgarh slows down anti-Maoist drive till Menon’s release

RAIPUR: The Chhattisgarh
government has virtually
called a halt to its anti-
Maoist offensive till Sukma
District Collector Alex Paul
Menon is released from captivity,
offi cial sources said
“The whole focus is now
to secure the safe and early
release of Alex Paul Menon.
The anti-Maoist operation
issue can follow later on,” a
senior offi cial at the police
headquarters here told media.
The Maoists have demanded
freeze on Operation
Green Hunt against them
and the release of eight of
their jailed colleagues in
exchange for Menon, whom
they took hostage Saturday.
Menon, 32, a 2006 batch
Indian Administrative Service
(IAS) offi cer, was kidnapped
at gunpoint from a
forested location, some 500
km south from here, when
he was interacting with tribals.
The Maoists killed his
two guards when they resisted
his abduction. “The
state government is considering
the Maoists’ demands
very sympathetically but it
will take a fi nal call on the
matter taking the central
government and the state’s
political parties into total
confi dence,” sources in the
home department said.
The state government has
also formed a fi ve-member
team headed by Chief Minister
Raman Singh to look
into Maoists’ demands. The
team includes Public Works
Department Minister Brijmohan
Agrawal, Water Resources
Minister Ramvichar
Netam, Home Minister Nankiram
Kanwar and Tribal
Welfare Minister Kedar
Kashyap. Maoists late Sunday
said in a message taped
anonymously that Chhattisgarh’s
Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) regime must free
their colleagues - Marakam
Gopannam, Nirmal Akka,
Devpal Chandra Shekher
Reddy, Shanti Priya Reddy,
Meena Chowdhary, Korasa
Sunny, Markan Sunny and
Asit Kumar Sen - by April
25 in exchange for the kidnapped
district collector.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Fake currencies to tune of Rs 3 Lakh seized, 2 held

CHENNAI: The Crime
Branch-CID police have
arrested two people, who
arrived from Kolkata by
Coromandel Express last
evening, and seized fake
currencies to the tune of Rs
three Lakh from them.
A CB-CID release here today
said, acting on specifi c
information, a special team
lay in wait and intercepted
the two passengers, Purushothaman
Soni and Amal
Raj, when they alighted
from the train at the Central
Police checked their belongings
and found fake
currencies in Rs 1000 and
Rs 500 denominations,
which were procured from
Malda in West Bengal.
In all they seized one
hundred notes under Rs
1000denomination and 400
numbers under Rs 500 denomination.
Police took them to the
CB-CID headquarters and
questioned them after which
they were produced before
the 11th Metropolitan Magistrate
Court Saidapet on
Thiursday and remanded in
judicial custody.
Investigations revealed
that the duo had procured
the fake notes from Lal Mohammed
in Malda district of
West Bengal.

Disease awareness through short fi lms

Haryana administration will
create awareness regarding
diseases like Malaria, Dengue
Chikungunya and Japanese
Encephalitis by screening
short fi lms in rural areas
and slums through multipurpose
health workers.
Financial Commissioner
and Principal Secretary
(Health) Navraj Sandhu
today said that awareness
regarding Malaria, Chikungunya
and Japanese Encephalitis
would be highly
benefi cial in preventing the
spread of these diseases.
Ms Sandhu stated this while
presiding over a meeting of
State Level Malaria Working
Committee held here
She said the main reason
for spread of Malaria, Dengue,
Chikungunya and Japanese
Encephalitis was water
stagnation in which larva
originated and spread infection.
She directed offi cers
of Urban Local Bodies Department
to frame rules for
proper water management.
Community awareness
would be created through
Deputy Commissioners and
representatives of Panchayati
Raj Institutions.
The people would defi -
nitely take steps to prevent
water stagnation provided
they were made aware that
this could lead to various
diseases. She said the
short fi lms would be made
more entertaining with the
use of local languages, jokes
and songs so that information
regarding the reasons of
spread of Malaria, Dengue,
Chikungunya and Japanese
Encephalitis would be disseminated
in an interesting
way to the people.

Chinese experts says, Agni-V can hit up to 8,000 km

BEIJING: Chinese experts
feel that there is a lot more
to India’s successful longrange
nuclear-capable missile
Agni-V than what New
Delhi is saying.
A Chinese researcher said
the missile “actually has the
potential to reach targets
8,000 kilometers away”.
Du Wenlong, a researcher
at China’s PLA Academy of
Military Sciences, told the
Global Times that the Agni-
V “actually has the potential
to reach targets 8,000 kilometers
Du added that “the Indian
government had deliberately
downplayed the missile’s
capability in order to avoid
causing concern to other
countries”. India Thursday
test-fi red the Agni-V missile
that it said can accurately
hit targets more than 5,000
km away. With this launch,
India entered an exclusive
club of nations that have this
Zhang Zhaozhong, a
professor with the People’s
Liberation Army National
Defense University, told the
Global Times that according
to China’s standard, an
ICBM should have a range
of at least 8,000 km.
“The Agni-V’s range
could be further enhanced to
become an Inter-Continental
Ballistic Missile,” he said.

ISRO in active mode for Mars mission

BANGALORE: India has
completed a signifi cant
amount of work on next
year’s planned Mars mission
for which scientifi c
payloads have been shortlisted,
with formal government
approval for the ambitious
venture expected
ISRO is planning to undertake
the mission to the planet
Mars during November
2013. The project report for
Indian Mars orbiter mission
has been submitted for approval
of Government. The
mission envisages launching
an orbiter around Mars
using Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle (PSLV-XL). The
orbiter will be placed in an
orbit of 500 x 80,000 km
around Mars and will have a
provision for carrying nearly
25 kg of scientifi c payloads
“The tentative scientifi c
objective for the Mars mission
will be to focus on life,
climate, geology, origin,
evolution and sustainability
of life on the planet,” according
to an offi cial ISRO
report. Scientifi c payloads
have been short-listed by
the ISRO?s Advisory Committee
for Space Sciences
(ADCOS) review committee.
Baseline, solar array and
refl ector confi guration of the
satellite have been fi nalised.
Frequency fi ling for communication
subsystem is under
progress, the space agency
said in its just uploaded
2011-12 annual report.
Meanwhile, ISRO has
signed a MoU with Indian
Institute of Astrophysics
for development and delivery
of solar coronagraph
payload for its ADITYA-1
project, while mechanical
confi guration of the satellite
is in progress. This project
will be the fi rst Indian space
based solar coronagraph,
which will be available for
solar coronal observation to
all the Indian researchers in
the fi eld of Solar Astronomy.
ADITYA-1 is the fi rst
space based Solar Coronagraph
intended to study the
outermost region of the sun
called Corona. ADITYA-1
in the visible and near IR
bands will study the Coronal
Mass Ejection (CME)
such as the coronal magnetic
fi eld structures and evolution
of coronal magnetic
fi eld and consequently the
crucial physical parameters
for space weather.
The major scientifi c objective
of the ADITYA-1 is
to achieve a fundamental
understanding of the physical
processes that heat the
solar corona (base to the extended),
accelerate the solar
wind and produce CMEs.
ISRO said preliminary design
of the optical systems
of ADITYA-1 has been
fi nalised and design document
generated; “Trade-off
studies on the selection of detector system have been
completed and the list of
subsystem packages along
with power and mass budget
generated,” it said. ISRO
has also planned SENSE,
a twin satellite mission to
probe the electromagnetic
environment of the Earth’s
near space region. It is proposed
to launch two small
satellites in a low earth orbit
of around 500 km, for space
weather related studies.
SENSE is part of ISRO’s
Small Satellites Programme,
recommended by ISRO’s
ADCOS. SENSE aims to
unravel the roles played by
major large-scale drivers in
determining the state of the
system and the weather of
the near space environment
at low latitudes. ISRO
said engineering models of
the electric and magnetic
fi eld probes chosen for the
SENSE mission have already
been tested and their
frequency responses studied.

Koodankulam to start powergeneration in two months

fi rst unit of the 2X1000 MW
VVER nuclear reactor of
the Koodankulam Nuclear
Power project (KKNPP) is
expected to attain criticality
and start power generation
in two months, as the preparation
for commissioning
the plant was progressing
as planned, S K Jain, Chairman
and Managing Director
of Nuclear Power Corporation
of India Limited
(NPCIL) said today.
He said KKNPP was
awaiting clearance from
the Atomic Energy Regulatory
Board (AERB) to open
the reactor pressure vessel
for inspecting the internal
components’ performance
and subsequent loading of
enriched uranium fuel rods.
He said work on commissioning
of the fi rst unit was
in full swing. The hot run of
the unit had been done a few
months ago and a report of
tests had been submitted to
the AERB. “We are expecting
a review by the AERB
and once the permission is
obtained, the fi ne tuning of
the equipment would be carried
out. Before the interruption
due to protests by
the locals, 95 per cent of the
required tests had been conducted,”
Jain informed.
Jain said “the integrated
core cooling tests is scheduled
in about a week. The
opening of the pressure vessel
after obtaining clearance
from AERB is the next step.
Once this is done, the dummy
fuel will be removed and
the reactor cleaned for another
inspection by AERB”.
After this, enriched uranium
fuel would be loaded. It was
expected that fuel loading
might be taken up by mid
June and criticality attained
in the next few weeks, he
added. Asked about reports
that some countries had decided
to scrap nuclear power
projects after Fukushima
disaster, Russian expert
Valery Limarenko rejected
the reports and said infact,
his company which was involved
in the construction of
20 nuclear reactors in Russia
and China, was holding
talks with Bangladesh, Vietnam
and Turkey for the construction
of nuclear reactors
in those countries.
Limarenko said KKNPP
incorporates several layers
of the most modern safety
features to ensure security
of the workforce and the
people living in the vicinity.
KKNPP, India’s largest
civil nuclear programme,
an Indo-Russia joint venture,
was in the midst of
controversy after the locals
demanded that the Centre
scrap the project.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

TN Govt to distribute wireless sets to fi shermen

Tamil Nadu Government
has decided to distribute
sophisticated wireless communication
sets free-of-cost
to the owners of country
boats fi tted with outboard
engines in the coastal district
of Ramanathapuram, to
help fi shermen during distress
at mid sea.
To begin with, the high
frequency wireless communication
sets, each costing
Rs 14,000, would be distributed
to the owners of 3,100
country boats in Rameswaram,
Pamban, Thondi, Chinna
Erwadi and Keezhakkarai,
said Mr K Nandakumar,
Ramanathapuram District
In a press release here
today, he said the wireless
communication sets would
help the fi shermen in distress
during fi shing at mid sea to
contact the rescue centres
and fi sheries offi cials. The
concerned authorities would
swiftly respond to the emergency
calls from the fi shing
The benefi ciaries would
have to pay Rs 500 for installing
equipment on the boats, he

New ‘affordable’ BlackBerry smartphone launched in India

NEW DELHI:: Research
in Motion (RIM.TO) on
Wednesday launched a new
BlackBerry smartphone in
India, calling it its “most affordable”
The BlackBerry Curve 9220
smartphone has a dedicated
key for accessing BlackBerry
Messenger and FM radio
and has a long battery life, it
said in a statement. RIM
has seen fast growth in India
as it expanded aggressively
into the consumer segment
with low-cost offerings and
by positioning the device as
a gadget for aspiring young
professionals and even college

Domino liver transplant at Apollo offers hope to 2 men

CHENNAI: For the fi rst
time in India, a team of surgeons
at Apollo Hospitals
here has successfully performed
a Domino transplant
using a liver with a rare
metabolic disorder called
Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
The surgical team was led
by Dr Anand Khakhar, Senior
Consultant, Transplant
and HPB Surgeon, Apollo
Hospitals. An Apollo release
here on Wednesday said the
hospital’s organ transplant
program has performed the
fi rst successful adult domino
liver transplant in the
The procedure, spanning
over 15 hours, was conducted
simultaneously in
three operation theaters led
by four transplant surgeons
Dr Anand K Khakhar, Dr
Anand Ramamurthy, Dr
Mahesh Gopasetty and Dr
Manish Varma.
Dr Khakhar said ‘this extraordinary
procedure allowed
us to use one donated
liver to save two lives. This
procedure is technically
more diffi cult but allows us
to expand the number of patients
who can benefi t from
this life-saving surgery. Person
who was suffering from
FAP, a metabolic disorder.
Patients with this disease
The fi rst transplant recipient
(A) was a 34-year-old
p a mutation, which leads
to deposition of abnormal
proteins in various tissues
of the body. It manifests as
crippling gait and balance
disorder, bowel and bladder
disturbances among others
and it progresses over time.
The diagnosis was usually
made in the third decade of
life and patients succumb
within 10-15 years of diagnosis
without curative
treatment. “As most of the
abnormal protein is synthesised
in the liver, liver transplant
is a curative option
that enables them to lead
a normal healthy life”, Dr Khakhar said.
The second patient (B) was
suffering from end-stage liver
disease with decompensation.
He was recently listed
for a liver transplant and was
not expected to get a liver
through the waiting list any
time soon.
Liver transplantation was
the only solution for both
patients, Dr Khakhar added.
Dr Anand Ramamurthy
said with three transplant
teams performing simultaneous
surgeries, the patient
(A) with FAP, received a
new liver from a deceased
donor. His liver was then
transplanted or ‘dominoed’
into the second patient (B).
“Even though patient (B)
received a liver with a metabolic
disorder, it will not
impact his health. His body
will be capable of clearing
the amino acids and will
be symptom-free,” he added.
This procedure was a useful
innovation for patients suffering
from end-stage liver
diseases who were awaiting
liver transplantation.
At present, the demand for
livers far outweighs the supply
of deceased donor organs
and about 50 per cent
of patients either succumb
to complications of liver
failure or become too sick to
undergo a liver transplantation
while waiting.

Exhibition on special children’s products

Takayuki Kitagawa, Deputy Counsel General of Japan in Chennai,
inaugurates the exhibition for products and abilities by mentally
handicapped in Chennai, on 21 April 2012, at Chennai, which organized
by ‘Pathway centre’ in Tiruvanmiyur

“No chance in an overall arms race”: Chinese media

BEIJING: India may have
missiles that can reach most
parts of China but stands
“no chance in an overall
arms race” with the country,
a Chinese daily said Thursday,
when India test-fi red
its 5,000 km range nuclear
capable missile, and added
that New Delhi would gain
nothing by stirring “further
The article, “India being
swept up by missile delusion”,
that appeared in the
op-ed section of the staterun
Global Times said India
apparently is hoping to enter
the global intercontinental
missile club, despite intercontinental
missiles normally
having a range of over
8,000 km.
India Thursday test-fi red
the Agni-V missile that can
accurately hit targets more
than 5,000 km away. With
this launch, India entered
an exclusive club of nations
that have this capability.
The daily noted that India
has moved rapidly in developing
missile technology.
“It successfully launched
the Agni IV with a range of
3,500 km last year. Indian
public opinion has long seen
China as its reference point
for military development,”
it said. Criticising India, it
said the country “is still poor
and lags behind in infrastructure
construction, but
its society is highly supportive
of developing nuclear
power and the West chooses
to overlook India’s disregard
of nuclear and missile control
“The West remains silent
on the fact that India’s
military spending increased
by 17 percent in 2012 and
the country has again become
the largest weapons
importer in the world,” it
said. It stressed that India
“should not overestimate its
“Even if it has missiles that
could reach most parts of
China that does not mean it
will gain anything from being
arrogant during disputes
with China. India should be
clear that China’s nuclear
power is stronger and more
reliable. For the foreseeable
future, India would stand no
chance in an overall arms
race with China,” it warned.
It went on to say that “India
should also not overstate
the value of its Western allies
and the profi ts it could
gain from participating in a
containment of China. If it
equates long range strategic
missiles with deterrence of
China, and stirs up further
hostility, it could be sorely
The daily advised that
China and India should develop
as friendly a relationship
as possible. “Even if this cannot be achieved, the
two should at least tolerate
each other and learn to
coexist.” It quickly added
that it would be “unwise for
China and India to seek a
balance of power by developing
“The geopolitics of Asia
will become more dependent
on the nature of Sino-
Indian relations. The peace
and stability of the region
are crucial to both countries.
China and India should both
take responsibility for maintaining
this peace and stability
and be wary of external
intervention,” the article
said. “China understands
the Indian desire to catch up
with China. China, as the
most appropriate strategic
target for India, is willing
to take India as a peaceful
competitor.” The daily
said China and India are
sensitive toward each other,
“but objectively speaking,
China does not spend much
time guarding against India,
while India focuses a lot of
attention on China”. “China
hopes India will remain
calm, as this would be benefi
cial to both giants.”

Manmohan congratulates scientists on successful launch of Agni V

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh
today congratulated the
scientists for the successful
maiden test fl ight of the
indigenously built 5000 km
range nuke capable Intercontinental
Ballistic Missile
(ICBM) Agni-V.
In a message, he said,”I
congratulate all the scientifi
c and technical personnel
of the DRDO and other
organisations who have
worked tirelessly in our endeavour
to strenghten the
defence and security of our
“Today’s successful Agni
V test launch represents another
milestone in our quest
to add to the credibility of
our security and preparedness
and to continuously
explore the frontiers of Science.”
The nation stands together
in honouring the scientifi
c community who have
done the country proud, he
The Prime Minister also
called Scientifi c Advisor
to the Defence Minister
and Director-General of
the Defence Research and
Development Organisation
(DRDO) Dr Vijay Kumar
Saraswat to congratulate
The missile was test fi red
from the Wheeler island off
Odisha coast in the Bay of

Bengal at 0805 hrs.
The maiden launch of
the Agni-V will now make
India the newest entrant
among the hyper-exclusive
club that boasts of United
States, Russia and China as
its members.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Kathakali interpretation of Tagore’s work on Apr 29

KOZHIKODE: ‘Balidanam,’
the Kathakali (dance
drama) interpretation of
‘Bisarjan,’ the famous theatrical
work of Rabindranath
Tagore, would be
performed here on April 29
to commemorate the 150th
birth anniversary of the icon
of modern Indian renaissance.
Talking to newspersons
here, Thodayam Kathakali
Yogam (TKY) president
Adv P Mohandas said
choreagraphed by Kathakali
maestro Sadanam Narayanan
Namboothiri (Naripatta)
key characters and
artists in Balidanam are
Sadanam Krishna Prasad
(Raja Govinda Simhan),
Vellinezhi Haridasan (Rani
Gunavathi), Sadanam Bhasi
(Chedi) and Sadanam
Suresh and Asthikalayam
Sunil (dancers), among others.
Titled ‘Smarananjali,’ the
event organised by TKY
would also host seminars on
‘Tagore, the icon of the Indian
renaissance,’ and ‘the
Phenomenon of Tagore,’ he
said. Prof Jayenderan, Prof
K P Sankaran, Dr Shanta
Nedungadi, among others
would talk, he said.
Jnanpeeth award winner
M T Vasudevan Nair would
be the chief guest at the concluding
session in the event,
he said adding Dr K Madhanvan
Kutty, P K Krishnanunni
Raja would also participate
in talks. Renowned
poet Akkitham would inaugurate
the event, he added.

Godrej Appliances launches green initiative

CHENNAI: Godrej Appliances,
one of leading companies
in home appliances
in the country, and popular
IPL team, Kings XI Punjab
today launched ‘One Watt
Project- Let’s Save a Billion
Watts’, consumer initiative
on Green Environment.
According to a press release
here the objective of
the campaign was to create
consciousness about environment
and save energy.
To support the cause, the
players will wear a green
cap during their match
against Kolkata Knight Riders
(KKR) scheduled to be
held on Wednesday in Mohali.
The campaign was aimed
at spreading the message of
conserving energy which
was already scarce and impacting
the environment adversely.
As part of the campaign,
the One Watt Project vans
would tour across the country
covering major metros
like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore
and Chennai amongst
others till May 14. It would
have an inbuilt kiosk for the
general public to register
their pledge to save ‘watts’
and share it across social
The van would also aim
to contact key corporates
in select cities and would
urge them to come and
pledge for watts saved by
altering some of the ways
in which they use electrical
gadgets. The One Watt
Project Van was fl agged off
by Mr George Menezes,
COO, Godrej Appliances,
Col Arvinder Singh, COO,
Kings XI Punjab and Adam
Gilchrist, Captain- Coach,
Kings XI Punjab.
Speaking about the initiative,
Mr Menezes said,
“Godrej Appliances over the
years has demonstrated its
commitment in environment
conservation by launching
the highest energy effi cient
green products.
Apart from, as a group,
over the years, we have
taken initiatives to conserve
our environment through series
of initiatives. One Watt
Project ‘Lets Save A Billion
Watts’ campaign is focused
on spreading awareness
about energy conservation
and getting consumers to
participate in the effort. Our
association with Kings XI
Punjab will help us take this
message across India.”
Col Arvinder Singh said,
“We feel proud to be associated
with the One Watt campaign
of Godrej Appliances,
which will not only help
people to act responsibly
towards saving energy but
also contribute a lot towards
a greener environment. This
is a great community driven
initiative which we wholeheartedly
Punjab captain Adam
Gilchrist said, “One Watt
Project is a unique opportunity
which we believe will
benefi t all of us and help us
to become more responsible
citizens of the world. It is a
noteworthy attempt by Godrej
to work towards creating
a greener tomorrow.”

Platform to set up business in UAE.

KOCHI: Ras Al Khaimah
Free Trade Zone Authority
(RAK FTZ) India Liaison
offi ce head Bissoon Surnam
said they were setting up a
platform for businessmen
and entrepreneurs to set up
business in UAE.
Addressing the business
community at a three-day
interactive sessions with
Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade
Zone Authority (RAK FTZ),
Government of Ras Al
Khaimah, UAE which begin
here on Tuesday, he said the
procedures were simple and
fast and were very transparent
and cost effective.
RAK FTZ had developed
an array of fi rst-class
business centres across the
UAE, which offer a wide
range of business solutions
to meet the evolving and
ever-growing business demands,
stated Jithu Alex
Peter, Business Investment
Consultant and Shaji Parameswaran,
Sales Executive,
RAK FTZ in their address to
the gathering.
The RAK offi cials also
explained the process to set
up new ventures at UAE.
With an initial investment
of online 2.5 Lakh, Indian
businessmen have the opportunity
to set up an offi ce
in UAE. Hundred per cent
capital and profi t repatriation
is allowed and there is
no tax on the income, they
The three-day interactive
sessions - a series of seminars
and presentations followed
by B2B interactive
meeting sessions has been
organised in Kochi association
with KCCI to help the
entrepreneurs in Kerala who
wish to open up new business
projects in RAK. Savio
Mathew, Secretary KCCI
said that Kerala Chamber
is always ready to welcome
such initiatives that would
help entrepreneurs in the

Tamilnadu man wins in Delhi local poll

NEW DELHI: Except for
one, all South Indian candidates
had to bite the dust
in the Delhi municipal polls
while a prominent Bengali
candidate from BJP also
lost the race.
In the municipal elections,
BJP had fi elded two
south Indians -- one each
from Tamil Nadu and Kerala,
out of its 272 candidates
while Congress has fi elded
only one.
Except for M Nagarajan
of BJP, none of them managed
to secure victory in
the polls. Nagarajan, who is
from Tamil Nadu, won the
Pushp Vihar seat defeating
Congress’ Rakesh by a margin
of 1,673 votes.
In Nangal Raya, Congress’
Uma Naidu (43), who hails
from Andhra Pradesh, lost
to BJP’s Radhika Setia by
a margin of 1,630 votes.
Naidu polled 8,798 votes
while her rival got 10,428.
Naidu, who is a post graduate
in English, is the richest
among the south Indian
candidates owning property
worth Rs 1.75 crore, including
immovable property of
Rs 1.48 crore. BJP’s Keralite
candidate Prasannan Pillai
lost the municipal polls
for the second consecutive
time from Gharoli this time.
Mayur Vihar which has a
large chunk of Malayalee
voters falls in this ward.
Pilli was not even the runner
up in the ward where the
Congress won while BSP
came second. Jammu and
Kashmir National Panthers
Party had also fi elded a Malayali
candidate PS Prasanna
Kumar from New Seemapuri
who came fourth. G
Jaya (34) from Tamil Nadu,
a Forward Bloc candidate,
lost her race in Mayur Vihar
Phase-I ward.
73-year-old Anand
Mukherjee, a Bengali fi elded
by BJP in Chittaranjan
Park, lost to Congress’
Virender Kasana by 1,594
votes. Mukherjee holds a
PhD in Chemical Engineering.

IBCM Nuclear capable Agni-V missile test launch today

BALASORE: India is set to
join an elite club of nations
possessing the Inter-Continental
Ballistic Missile
(ICBM) as nuclear capable
Agni-V missile is due to is
launched from the Wheeler
Island off the Orissa Coast
on Wednesday.
Designed and developed
by the Defence Research
and Development Organisation
(DRDO), the threestage
missile has a strike
range of 5,000 km.
The indigenously developed
nuclear capable ‘Agni-
V’ ballistic missile is scheduled
to be launched from a
mobile launcher.
Once validated and inducted
into the armed forces
after more tests in future,
Agni-V will be India’s longest-
range missile which can
carry a nuclear warhead.
Range preparation for the
maiden test of Agni-V ballistic
missile has been completed
and full precaution
is being taken to ensure its
fl awless launch.
Ahead of its launch, a
senior DRDO scientist
said, “The three stage solid
fuelled missile would be put
into test for the fi rst time
with some advance and indigenous
technology with
the support of a canisterised
mobile launcher.”
The surface-to-surface
missile Agni-V which can
carry a pay-load of 1 tonne
is 17 m long, 2 m wide and
weighs 50 tonnes.
Scientists associated with
Agni-V project are quite optimistic
about its performances,
as the fi rst trial of Agni-
IV on November 15 last
year was highly satisfactory
in terms of its ‘control and
guidance’ system.
The 5000 km range Agni-
V missile would add another
feather to such class of missiles
that India possesses
at present. The Agni-I has
700 km, Agni-2 (2,000 km),
Agni-III and IV (3,000 plus
km) range.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Networking sites not under party scanner: Trinamool

KOLKATA: As the arrest
of a professor for forwarding
cartoons of West Bengal
Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee was still drawing
a hail of criticism, the Trinamool
Congress today said
social networking sites had
not been put under the party
“ Trinamool Congress is
not scrutinising any social
media. Neither does it have
any cell nor will ever have
one to monitor Facebook
or other sites, “party MP
Derek O’Brien told media.
O’brien, considered to be a
close confi dant of Ms Banerjee,
was instrumental in
launching the party’s website
and making it a tool for
interaction with the people
before the last Assembly
His statement came two
days after the West Bengal
police said they would scrutiny
social networking sites
to detect ‘anti-Mamata Banerjee
Mr O’brien’s denial of
policing social networking
sites came in the face of
scathing criticisms, particularly
on the internet, following
the arrest of Ambikesh
Mahapatra, a chemistry
teacher of Jadavpur University
on Friday last for
uploading and forwarding
a cartoon of Ms Banerjee,
Railway Minister Mukul
Roy and his predecessor
Dinesh Trivedi lampooning
the recent reshuffl e in the
Railway Ministry after the
The cartoon showed Ms
Banerjee and Mr Roy exchanging
dialogues from
Satyajit Ray’s masterpiece
thriller ‘Sonar Kella’. Police
slapped charges on Mr
Mahapatra under sections of
the Interent Act and Indian
Penal Code for ‘eveteasing’,
defamation and humiliation
of a woman. Before his arrest,
Mr Mahapatra was also
allegedly beaten up by some
miscreants, allegedly led by
local Trinamool Congress
The incident not only
evoked ire of the teaching
fraternity, but also prompted
intellectuals, some of
whom had even backed
Ms Banerjee before the Assembly
polls, to air protests
alleging that the state Government
was muzzling the
voice of dissent.
Mahapatra was later released
on bail after he was
produced in a court. Four of
the assailants who had allegedly
beaten him up were
also arrested and then released
on bail.

Kapil Sibal inaugurates BSNL Data Centers

NEW DELHI: State-run
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd
(BSNL) and Dimension
Data jointly announced on
Monday the ‘go live’ of
BSNL Internet Data Centers
BSNL will offer managed
colocation, managed hosting
and cloud services through
these IDCs built, operated
and managed by Dimension
Data for BSNL.
The six centers are located
at Mumbai, Faridabad, Ahmadabad,
Jaipur, Ludhiana
and Ghaziabad. These are
Tier III level data centers
certifi ed by internationally
reputed Uptime Institute of
the US.
“These IDCs will enhance
BSNL’s comprehensive
service portfolio to meet
the communications and IT
needs of large medium as
well as small business enterprises
in India,” Communications
and Information
Technology Minister Kapil
Sibal said while inaugurating
these centers.
It will facilitate various
organisations to quickly
induct IT enabled services
within their organizations
without the hassles of setting
up and maintaining
their own data centers, he
Commenting on the activation
of the IDCs, BSNL
CMD R K Upadhyay said,
“With the launch of our
IDCs, we can now offer
secure hosted services and
cloud services to support
various government initiatives
as well as to our enterprise
clients.” Mr Upadhyay
said the company has already
signed contracts with
three leading government
organisations for managed
hosting and cloud services.
“We expect to sign more
contracts from leading state
and Central Government departments
as well as several
private enterprises shortly,”
he said.

Delhi civic polls: BJP headed for win

NEW DELHI: The Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) was
Tuesday headed for a big
win in the Delhi civic polls
with 49 of its candidates
emerging victorious in 80 of
272 wards for which results
were declared.
The party, which could
control the civic administration
in Delhi again, was
also leading in more than 60
seats, election offi cials said.
The Congress, whose Sheila
Dikshit is in her third consecutive
term as the Delhi
chief minister, has claimed
only 19 seats so far.
In the counting of votes
for the recently trifurcated
Municipal Corporation of
Delhi (MCD), the BJP till
12.30 p.m. had secured 18
seats in north Delhi, 20 in
south and 10 in east Delhi.
The Congress had won six
in north Delhi, nine in south
and four in east Delhi.
Two candidates from the
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
and one each from the Janata
Dal-United (JD-U) and the
Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD)
won as well along with eight
The MCD, recently trifurcated
by the Congress-led
Delhi government, has jurisdiction
over 97 percent of
the area in the capital. The
other three percent is under
the New Delhi Municipal
Corporation (NDMC)
and the Delhi Cantonment
Board. There are now 104
wards each in the south and
north corporations and 64 in
the east. Of the 272 seats,
138 are reserved for women.
Counting of votes, cast in
Sunday’s polls, is taking
place amid tight security.
The votes decide the fate of
2,423 candidates who contested
the polls.
The BJP, which had 164
councillors in the undivided
MCD against the Congress’
67 and the BSP’s 17, had
highlighted issues of corruption
and price rise by the
Dikshit-led government.
Among the BJP candidates
who have won are Pravesh
Wahi from Rohini’s ward
No. 21, Shanta Jain from
Rithala’s ward No. 22,
Gopal Singh from Prem
Nagar ward No. 36, Raj Kumar
from Kalyan Puri ward

Planning Commission to help Multi Skill Devp Centres

GULBARGA: Planning
Commission will extend all
help to Multi Skill Development
Centres (MSDC) in
Karnataka, Planning Commission
Deputy Chairman
Montek Singh Ahuliwalia
He was speaking after
laying foundation stone for
MSDC to be built in tie up
with Germany here. Union
Minister for Labour
and Employment M Mallikarjun
Kharge, in his address,
explained problems
of Hyderabad-Karnataka
region to Mr Ahulwalia and
appealed for more help for
the development of the region
which has remained
most backward for several
Mr Kharge also stressed
the need for according Special
Status to the region by
amending the Article 371,
Minimum Support Price
(MSP) for Tur Dal at Rs
4500 per quintal and approval
for new railway lines
in the region.
State Labour Department
Secretary G S Narayan
Swami said that one more
MSDC would be opened
tomorrow in Bangalore and
two more would be set up
at Mangalore and Belgaum
shortly. Responding to
appeal, Mr Ahuliwalia assured
that necessary help
for development of the Hyderabad-
Karnataka Region
would be included in the
12th plan.
About river linkage, Mr
Ahulwalia said that though
Supreme Court has given a
green signal for the project,
there are hurdles in getting
clearance from various
Ministries since hectares of
forest and agriculture land
needs to be acquired.

Agriculture a potent way to alleviate poverty: Ikeazor

HYDERABAD: Agriculture
is one of the most potent
ways to alleviate poverty
and create signifi cant
income streams for the poor
people of the semi-arid tropics
said Philip Ikeazor, the
Governing Board member
of the Hyderabad-based International
Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT).
On the occasion of completing
his second and fi -
nal three-year term of the
Board, he said ‘I have witnessed
the giant strides and
impact made by ICRISAT’s
research work on the smallholder
farmers in India and
East Africa and some parts
of West Africa.
I would like such collaborations
to be adopted in Negeria.”
Executive Director Corporate,
Investment Banking
and Treasury at Union Bank
of Nigeria, Ikeasor stressed
the need to boost Nigeria’s
groundnut production to
export levels using the institute’s
research expertise and
Ikeazor said he was particularly
keen on transferring
the watershed irrigation
technique piloted in India
and the recent groundnut
revolution in Malawi, which
had seen a thriving fair trade
export of improved groundnut
to the UK.
Nigeria was once the
world’s leading groundnut
exporters in the 1960s
with the crop accounting
for about 70 per cent of
the countries total export
earnings. “Now it produces
barely enough for local consumption
and desperately
needs to apply research that
could eliminate afl atoxins
from harvests and produce
high yield export grade
groundnuts,” he added.

Survey on for Doubling Railway Line: DRM

survey on doubling the
broad gauge railway line
between Thanjavur and
Tiruchirapalli at distance of
50 kms is going on and once
it is over, the project will be
taken up as early as possible,
according to Divisional
Railway Manager P V Vaidialingam.
Addressing a press conference
here today to share
how the Tiruchirapalli Division
has bagged GM’s
Inter-Divisional Effi ciency
Shield after seven years for
the fi nancial year 2011-12,
he said the Railway Ministry
has also sanctioned Rs
4.2 crore for erecting a foot
over bridge at the Railway
Junction here.
He said this allocation is
only for erecting the proposed
FOB with staircases
and now they are approaching
the Union Railway Ministry
for sanctioning more
funds to establish escalators
along with the staircase.
He said the Ministry has
sanctioned a sum of about
Rs 18.5 crore for taking up
repairs and renovations of
the railways installation in
Cuddalore and Puducherry
areas which were damaged
in the recent ‘Thane’ cyclone.
Out of this allotment, a sum
of Rs 4.5 crore was exclusively
for rebuilding the
staff quarters which were
also damaged in the cyclone,
he added.
He also pointed out the
Division has earned a sum
of Rs 614 crore during
2011-12 as against the target
of Rs 581.48 crore. Out
of this, the earning through
passenger traffi c was Rs
202.38 crore, goods transportation
Rs 376 crore and
sundry earnings Rs 28 crore.
To a question, he said they
achieved 9.60 million
tonnes freight traffi c during
the year as against the target
of 8.51 million tonnes.
He said the division had
surpassed all targets given
and all facets of Railways
were working in a commendable
manner and
bagged effi ciency shield by
competing with fi ve other
Divisions, namely Chennai,
Madurai, Tiruvananthapuram,
Palakkad and

IT industries emerge key growth for economy: Rangarajan

Minister’s Economic Advisory
Council Chairman Dr C
Rangarajan on Monday said
the Indian IT/ITeS industry
has emerged as a key growth
engine for the economy
contributing around 5.6 per
cent to the country’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) in
In his key note address on
the Second Industrial Revolution
at the 20th Annual
ITsAp Awards Ceremony
here, Dr Rangarajan said
the industry was providing
direct employment to about
2.3 million people and as
compared to $ 14.7 billion
in 2004-05, India’s exports
of IT and related services
amounted to $ 60 billion in
However, this was roughly
3.5 per cent of GDP. The
exports have contributed
signifi cantly to the reduction
of current account defi cit;
the Chairman said and added
the IT industry has been
able to maintain its export
growth despite the slowdown
in the world economy.
The domestic market is
also expanding even though
it still constitutes only 20
per cent of the total output,
he said and added ‘we in India
also need to take a fresh
look at the supply of adequately
qualifi ed engineers
as the China is moving fast
to overcome the handicap
of inadequate knowledge of
To maintain the global
market share, India must
also take proactive steps to
expand its domestic market;
the council chairman
advised and said the IT industry
also needs to move
towards high value products

Australia to exit Afghanistan a year early-media

CANBERRA: Australia
will start withdrawing
troops from Afghanistan
this year and complete the
pull-out by mid-2013, a
year earlier than planned
and just before an expected
election which Prime Minister
Julia Gillard is forecast
to lose, media said.
Gillard will take her timetable
for the troop withdrawal
to the NATO conference
on Afghanistan to
be held in Chicago in May,
the Sydney Morning Herald
newspaper said today. ‘I am
now confi dent that Chicago
will recognise mid-2013 as
a key milestone in the international
strategy,’ the newspaper
quoted extracts from
Gillard’s speech as saying.
‘A crucial point when the
international forces will be
able to move to a supporting
role across all of Afghanistan.’
U.S. President
Barack Obama and other
NATO leaders are expected
to defi ne more clearly Western
withdrawal plans at the
Chicago conference and
outline measures to ensure
Afghanistan does not collapse
into civil war when
foreign troops go home.
A major assault in Kabul
by the Taliban this week
has raised questions about
whether Afghan forces will
be able to control security
after foreign troops withdraw.
More than 10 years
after the Taliban government
was toppled following
the September 11 attacks
in 2001, the U.S. administration
appears settled on a
steady withdrawal of most
of its troops by the end of
2014, leaving only a small
U.S. force to advise Afghan
forces and conduct targeted
strikes against militants.
French President Nicolas
Sarkozy, who is facing a diffi
cult re-election campaign,
has announced he would
pull French troops out of
Afghanistan by the end of
2013. US forces number
about 90,000 among the
130,000-strong NATO-led
force. France has 3,600
troops in Afghanistan and
Britain 9,500. Australia has
around 1,550 troops in Afghanistan.
With 32 Australian soldiers
killed and hundreds
wounded, the government
is under mounting pressure
to withdraw troops. Gillard,
who according to opinion
polls is facing defeat at the
next election due by the end
of 2013, will announce the
troop withdrawal in a speech
later on Tuesday, media said.
The Prime Minister’s offi
ce declined to comment
before Gillard delivers the

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Indian men’s boxing team returns home after a brilliant performance at the Asian Olympic Qualifi ers

Following a brilliant show at the AIBA Asian Olympic Qualifying Event in Astana, Kazakhstan, the Indian men’s boxing team returned home on Saturday. The pugilists created a record as seven of them qualifi ed for 2012 London Olympics.

Slower growth in advanced economies to impact India’s exports

BANGALORE: Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council Chairman C Rangarajan on Friday; said that the slower economic growth in advanced economies would impact India’s exports and advocated the need to look at East-Asia and emerging economies for newer opportunities. ‘Moderation in growth (in advanced economies) will affect some exports’, Dr Rangarajan told reporters in response to questions but pointed out that in the case of IT services, the slower growth has not necessarily affected in the way in which one would have expected. Therefore, there is a need for widening the geographical coverage of our exports. Certainly, the slower growth in western economies and advanced economies will have an impact upon our exports’, he said. Dr Rangarajan also added: ‘But at the same time, we really need to see whether we can increase exports to the East-Asian countries and emerging economies where the growth rate is now picking up’.

All foreign websites blocked in China

LONDON: China’s internet censorship system known as “the Great Firewall of China” intensifi ed briefl y on Friday when all foreign websites blocked as users were unable to access them. Observers speculated that the system could be being upgraded to further tighten the regime’s control over foreign sites. Users in Beijing, Shanghai and elsewhere in China reported that they were unable to access any foreign sites at all, The Daily Mail reports. China had already restricted access to many foreign sites including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube citing a need to maintain social stability. The change in the service came as China faced renewed attack from Western ‘hacktivists’ for its restrictive Internet policies and human rights violations. Hacker group Anonymous has said it intends to launch a full-scale attack against the ‘Great Firewall of China’. Anonymous, a loosely knit group that has attacked fi nancial and government websites around the world, hacked into Chinese government websites last week, defacing several, The paper reports said.

Three clean energy research projects announced

NEW DELHI: Three clean energy sector-related research projects announced but India which will be led by a joint consortium of institutes based here and in the US. The research projects would be under the aegis of the Indo-US Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center (JCERDC) announced by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama in November last year. Consortia of institutes led by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Denver will work in the area of sustainable photo-voltaics, multi-scale concentrated solar power and solar energy integration. Hyderabad-based Indian Institute of Chemical Technology and University of Florida-led consortia will work on second generation bio-fuels. The group of institutes led by CEPT University, Ahmedabad and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will focus on integration of information technology with building controls and physical systems for designing energy effi cient buildings. These three consortia, selected by the Ministry of Science and Technology, will receive Rs 125 crore in funding from the government over fi ve years under the JCERDC, an offi cial release said. This fi rst-of-a-kind effort is a key component of the US and India’s commitment to improve energy access and promote low-carbon growth by facilitating joint research and development of clean energy technologies, offi cials said.

Azad calls for greater cooperation in health in SAARC region

NEW DELHI: Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said a vibrant public health care system can cope with the enormous challenges emanating from demographic and epidemiological transition in the SAARC region. Addressing the fourth Health Minister’s conference at Male, Maldives, the Minister said, “a strong public health care system can cope with the enormous challenges emanating from demographic and epidemiological transition in the SAARC region,” an offi cial statement here said. “We should collaborate amongst ourselves to fi nd our own concrete solutions which are feasible, cost effective and suitable for our region,” Mr Azad said. He added that full advantage of the strength and vibrancy of SAARC in addressing the common health problems of the region should be taken. Taking note of the large burden of communicable diseases and unacceptably high levels of maternal and child mortality particularly in India and Pakistan, Mr Azad maintained that adopting a comprehensive strategy for ‘Diseases Surveillance for Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases’ is the need of the hour. “It is of paramount importance to develop and put in place a comprehensive strategy for surveillance, early detection and response to such diseases and infections,” he emphasised. The minister further stated that there are many examples of successful strategies and programmes in the region to combat dreadful diseases. “Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy originated from TB research in India and is now the global paradigm in TB prevention and control. The response to HIV/AIDS in India over the last decade has yielded encouraging outcomes in terms of prevention and control of HIV whereby the number of annual new HIV infections has declined by more than 50 per cent during the last decade from 2.7 Lakh new infections in 2000 to 1.2 lakh in 2009,” he elaborated. Mr Azad also invited attention of the gathering to the issue of non-communicable diseases that have emerged as the major threat to the health of our populations. “Tobacco related cancers, chronic cardio-vascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes are signifi cantly contributing to morbidity and mortality in the region,” he said. He said India’s experience in developing laboratory capabilities and a system of quality assurance could be of great assistance to the SAARC countries. “India would welcome requests from any country in training of manpower in the fi elds of epidemiology, disease surveillance, diagnostic tools and techniques and Information, Communication Technology applications,” he offered. Mr Azad also suggested the Health Ministers of the region should meet more often to deliberate upon a selected theme or subject of common interest and agree on an action plan. “This should be followed up by interactions and workshops at the level of offi cials and technical experts 2-3 times a year on sharing of best practices, technological applications and innovations, and cross-border collaborations. In this regard, it is my privilege to state that India volunteers to host the next meeting of SAARC Health Ministers,” he said. Among the strategies discussed during the Health Minister’s conference include capacity building, effective response, laboratory support, information sharing, cross-border collaboration, monitoring and research. The conference was inaugurated by Maldives President Dr Mohammed Waheed. SAARC was born 27 years ago with the objective of fostering joint action and cooperation in solving common problems, furthering regional interests and fulfi lling the aspirations of the people of South Asia with the conviction that regional cooperation among the countries of South Asia is mutually benefi cial, desirable and necessary for improving the quality of life of the people of the region.

‘Army is not facing shortages’

“I had been the Director General of a weapons manufacturing factory and therefore I can say that the Indian defence has the adequate stock of quality weapons and there is no shortage of any critical weapons”. “Our soldiers’ morale is high, and we have nothing to worry about security of our country. Our defence forces have enough stock of ammunition and have enough strength to win any type of war. - Former Army offi cer,” Lt Gen (retd) Jasbirsinh Dhillon

Two mild quakes in Maharashtra, Gujarat

MUMBAI: Two mild earthquakes, measuring 4.5 and 4.9 on the Richter scale, shook Gujarat and Maharashtra here Saturday, a top weather offi cial said. The fi rst tremor was felt at 8.53 a.m. in Gujarat with the epicentre in Bhuj, said Director, Weather Forecasting, West, Rajeev Nair. Barely two hours later, at 11.05 a.m. another quake was felt, this time with the epicentre in Satara district of western Maharashtra, he said. “We are still awaiting details of the impact of these two tremors, but so far there are no reports of any human casualties or damage,” Nair told Media. In the second, slightly stronger tremor, several parts of Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Satara, Pune and surroundings were shaken. But there was no panic reported.

2nd phase of polio tomorrow

CHENNAI: Department of Public Health has made elaborate arrangements to the conduct second phase of pulse polio campaign tomorrow. According to a press release here today, 70 Lakh children, who were given polio drops in the fi rst phase, will be administered the second dose tomorrow. Besides, the babies born after the fi rst round of campaign would be covered in the second phase. Around 40,000 immunisation booths have been established in Primary Health Centres, Health Sub Centres, Aganwadi Centres, Government Hospitals, Medical College Hospitals, Schools and other important places. In addition to the regular booths, 1000 transit booths will be functioning in major bus stands, railway stations and airports during the campaign days to cover children on travel. The booths will function for three days during day and night. Around 900 mobile teams have been formed to cover children residing in remote and inaccessible areas, the release added.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Marxist veteran Varadarajan cremated

DINDIGAL: The mortal
remains of veteran Marxist
leader N.Varadarajan, one
of the founder-members of
the CPM in Tamilnadu were
consigned to fl ames, here
this Wednesday evening.
Varadarajan died in Chennai
yesterday following
a prolonged illness. The
body was brought to his native
Dindigul this morning
and kept at the CPM party
offi ce for public homage.
Hundreds of party cadres,
locals and leaders from
various political parties paid
a tearful homage to the departed
Later in the evening, the
mortal remains were taken
in a procession from the
CPM offi ce to the electric
CPM State unit Secretary
G.Ramakrishnan led the